Monday, July 23, 2018

July 22,23 – To Wells Gray Provincial Park

Yesterday we drove from Nimpo Lake to Williams Lake. Today we drove to the Wells Gray Golf and RV Resort in Wells Gray Provincial Park.

The road from Nimpo Lake to Williams Lake was as empty as usual. Only a few cars passed me. I usually drove down the middle of the road because it was smoother and used the entire road to flatten out the corners.


These cliffs are over Bull Canyon Provincial Park. There are some caves just above where the gravel slope starts. I had though about checking them out either coming or going but I was not sure if I could get the RV out of the park if we went in.


This small black bear was ambling across the road and then took off once it saw us. We never got close.


We stopped for lunch at the visitor’s center in Alexis Creek.


The highway follows the valley.


Alexis Creek was pretty quiet. I wouldn’t want to be the volunteer at the visitor’s center. I don’t think this hotel and restaurant are doing too well. There is a store next to them that seemed to be at least still in business.


The Happy Eater Restaurant.


Just before we got to Williams Lake, conservation officers had blocked the highway and were stopping everyone. They asked about fish, game, alcohol and firearms. We had none of the above. When he asked where we had come from, I said Bella Coola; he gave me a bit of an incredulous look and asked if we had gone down and up The Hill in the RV.

Right after that we had to do a very steep drop down to cross the Fraser River. Lots of screaming engine and transmission as I geared down and more very hot brakes.


The climb up the other side is more gradual.


This time we did use the Walmart parking lot in Williams Lake to stay the night. We needed groceries and it had easy access. I had read that it usually had a lot of overnight RV but there was only a camper truck, a trailer, a guy sleeping in his boat and two sets of people sleeping in their cars. 

Today the drive was pretty easy. There is a long climb out of Williams Lake and then another long steep downhill at the end of highway 24.

We found a nice rest area for lunch, on Hwy 24 overlooking Lac de la Roche


We stopped at the Park Visitor’s Center in Clearwater but first I had to do a couple of loops through the parking lot to try and find a spot among all the rental RVs.

Wells Gray Park is very large and the access road that runs down the center is quite long. Most people stay in the town of Clearwater, south of the park. The Wells Gray Golf and RV Resort in about half way up the access road and was the only one with good reviews in the area. We could have stayed in the provincial park campgrounds but it is going to be blazing hot this week we were are really going to appreciate have air conditioning.

The campground is really just a gravel parking lot. No scenery but this time it is the location that counts.



The internet here is satellite based and incredibly slow. Thankfully there is only one router and it is down by the office. The directional antenna I have is able to connect from our site so we can surf from the RV while everyone else has to sit down by the office, which should limit the usage by other guests.


We are here for one week.

While we were in the visitor’s center, around 2 pm,  I heard someone ask what they could see in the park if they had to be in Jasper tonight, which is a 4 hour drive. I guess they aren’t seeing much.

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