Monday, June 14, 2010

June 14 – Bog, Salt Marsh and Mi’kMac Hikes

It was kind of a dreary day but no rain so we did some of the recommended hikes in the park.

The first was call The Bog Trail. It was a giant peat bog with this great observation tower at the beginning of the trail


It went off to the horizon.

IMG_5565 0614-1-Walk in the Bog

There were lots of interesting plants




Since we were hiking in the mosquitoes habitat, we were swarmed at every turn. I was walking behind Stuart in full out netting gear watching a cloud surrounding him as he walked along the path. I had thought that the mosquito clothing would protect me but I discovered that as long as there was space between my skin and the mesh fabric, I was fine. I watched as two landed on my hand and bit me through the mesh. I did not understand that they could poke their proboscis through the fine mesh and reach my skin underneath.


Next was the Salt Marsh trail. Still lots of bugs and we could see the coming rain off in the distance.

0614-2-Walk in the salt march

Finally was the Mi’kMac trail. The rain really started coming down but since we were prepared we did it anyway. It had a bunch of station with AV displays on the Mi’kmac culture.

0614-3-Cedars in the rain


After dinner Stuart went back to the boardwalk to get some pictures in the twilight. 

0614-4-Boardwalk to the dunes 0614-5-BoardwalkIMG_5676 IMG_5662 0614-6-Endangered Piping Plover

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