Saturday, June 1, 2013

June 1 – New Hampshire Countryside

It was a lazy day today. It was hot (at least 32C) and very humid with thunderstorms predicted for the afternoon. We just drove some of the country roads we hadn’t been on and took pictures of interesting places.

Lots of huge houses with giant verandas.



This one had the veranda on the top floor.


Lots of white churches with tall steeples.

An interesting stone church.

It would have been great to see all the stained glass from the inside.

This is a golf club.

We stopped at a very small farmers market in the town of Bethlehem. It has the distinction of being the town with the highest elevation, east of the Rockies.


This guy at a wood turning booth really wanted to talk. It was beautiful stuff but too expensive for my wallet.


We drove through some towns.

We saw a Thai restaurant on the street below and stopped in for a very good curry lunch.

And drove by some interesting places.




The lupines are starting to come out.

We went back to the RV and turned on the air conditioner. There are lots of dark clouds around now and it rained for a few minutes but it did not decrease the temperature much.

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